viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenges

Hello Everyone!

How are you? I hope you are well. Today I will talk about a topic related to English. Personally, I have never liked this language, because I had a bad experience as a child. It has always been difficult for me to learn this language. When I went to high school, the only subject that had bad grades was in English, this caused me a lot of frustration, since I studied hard despite the tests.

But over time, I changed my mentality about this language, because I understand that it is necessary to be able to communicate and relate to other people who have another language.

My learning experience at the university is very good; the classes are dynamic with the contents. In addition, the activities are very interesting, because we talk about different topics related to the career, personal life, topics, day to day and other things.

I think the English program is very good, because it helps that the students practice the language through dynamic activities. This allows to reinforce certain areas such as the grammatical language and the vocabulary of English.

Nowadays it is very important to speak English, because most people use this language to communicate. In addition, in most of the works they request two languages ​​as a requirement (English and Spanish).

This semester compared to the other semester was different, since we were doing a video, where each one of us could show the knowledge in a different way, more dynamic and entertaining.

The aspect that I need to improve is the grammatical area, because I tend to confuse the verb tenses (past, present and future). I must practice this content more frequently.

Bye, see you next week

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Cami! how are u? I suppose that fine, or at least you posted that in the beggining xD
    I wanted to write yesterday, but I forgot and slep. Anyways here I am to write and opine(this word is alike to opinar in spanish).
    It's great that your experience learning at university it is very good
    I also think the classes and activities are dynamic, entertaining and almost amuse. I say almost because sometimes the topics are some boring, but at least with you, Cata, Nico and Vero can to laugh of a lot of things.
    Besides you and Cata are so funny, so I always laugh with you.
    Regarding to videos... I don't like them, but I must admit are a different way to learn and I think are more effective than much exams.

    PD:tomorrow will be the AMA's and will be BTS, so I guess that you are anxious to see them

  2. Hi Cami!! How are you?
    It's so sad you had bad experiences with learning English. Maybe a lot of people today say "I hate English" because the same reason! I'm glad to read now you have changed your vision about the language. I think learning is not only a "I must do it", it's an "I love to do it"

    Best regards!

  3. Hi Camila, How are you? I am agreeing with you, the English is very important in the currently world, because all the people speak it. The blogs are a really good tool for practice the grammar. The videos in the semester are other tool that we use for practice the pronunciation. I think that your blog is very nice :D
