martes, 25 de julio de 2017

My experience with the blog

Hello again, this is my second post in the day.

Today is my last post in the semester. So I´m going to talk about my experience in general using blogs in the English class. The fisrt place, I must say that English has never been my favourite subject, bacause I find it very difficult to lear and speak this language. So at first I didn´t want to blog, but over time I realizaed that it was very entertainaing

This experience was a great challenge for me as I was able to learn new words (vocabulary), grammar and pronunciation. I think it was been a great help for me English classes, as it has allowed me to improve the way I write and speak. In turn, regain hope of being able to learn good English.

Now I feel more certain when I write in English, where I can better express my ideas. Although I feel I still have a lot to improve. 

The suggestions that could be made in the blog is that students can freely choose their topics.

Personally I think is would be interesting to write about projects that every student has in the future (dreams), interesting stories, talk about styles (fashion), food, travel, art and othes things. 

I hope that you like this post. Thanks for Reading 

Bye, see you next semester!

My experience with the books

Hello everyone!

How are you? I have been fine. Today, I will talk about my experience with the books. I remember learning to read the 5 years in the school. I Originally I didn´t liked reading, because I found it boring, but over time I realized I was wrong. 

The fisrt book I read was “Papelucho”, the author is Marcela Paz. I really like this book, because it tells the story of a child, called Papelucho. This boy is very naughty and funny, he always has adventures with his Friends and family. After this book I Read all collection of Papelucho, I think there are 12 books in total. It is a book that is for all ages, it is very entertaining.

As for my favorite book is “History of two cities”, the author is Charles Dickens. I Read this book at school for a literatura class. The story happens in two cities; Londres and Paris during the period of the French revolution. This novels is very interesting, because it has a mix of thems related to love, lies, wars, conflicts, power and other things. Where represent the society of those years. This time I will not tell the story so you can read it.

I have many favourite authors, but there is one I always recomend, she is Kate Morton, has writeen several books, one of the most famous is “El Jardín Olvidado”. 

Currently I´m not reading book, bacause I don´t have time to read. Nowever, when I finished classes at the university, I will read all the books that I have pending. 

I hope that you like this post. If you have any question about the books, do not hesitate to ask me 

Bye, see you next week!

viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

My favourite subject

Hi all !

Today, I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester, this is methodology of the investigation public administration. The teacher that do a class is Rolando Poblete, he is a Doctor on Atropología social y cultural at University Autonoma of Barcelona. 

This class consist mainly analyze the types of investigation, instrument of application for interviews and surveys, observation participative in group, where the homework’s are very entertaining and simple, since in classes view watching the videos or documentaries. 

One of the activities that we developed this semester with my group of research, it was the proyect of investigation at “ Active Adult Aging in Chile”, this paper was very interesting for me, because Nowadays are many older adults in Chile that don´t have any state support, thus this program of the SENAMA, it attempting to solve the different themes relate are health, social participation and social security. 

I like this class, because calls more my attention the topics and practical classwork. It is therefore I consider that is one of class most important in the career of public administration. 

I hope that do you like my post.

Bye, see you next week

viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

My favorite Website

Hi everyone!

I hope you are well, today I going to talk about one of the websites that I use the most, this is"u-cursos", this page is from the university of Chile. The principal characteristic of this website is that it is special for studentsfrom different faculties of the university.

This page has material to study for the career, also we can see the ratings, attendance of each subject, you can consult withchat teachers and classmates to solve doubts about a particular subject. Moreover, it has a blog, calendar, information channels, user data, dropbox and other things.

In this website, I have an account, where see my subject of semester. The subjects that I have are: phenomena politics, statistics, and dynamics of administration, methodology, and English. I use this page every day, because I see the notes and schedule.

I like this website, because I can use it to study for the different tests and homework of the career. Onother important point is that I can inform about the different activities, events and talks that are taught within the university.

The link of this page is:

I hope that do you like my post.

See you next week, bye!

viernes, 7 de julio de 2017

My favorite serie

Hello everyone 

I hope you are well, today I will talk about my favorite series, this is “House of cards”. I started watching the serie last year for a class of the university. "House of cards" is an American serie, The history is very interesting and intriguing. It’s about the power of politics, alliances between political parties and of opposition. where the ambition, selfishness and lies are the principal characteristic of the character. 

The main character is Frank Underwood, an anti-hero. He is member of the party Democratic Party, where he is a representative of the 5th congressional District of South Carolina. He is married to Claire Underwood, who is a business woman in which he is the leader of a Company. Frank and Claire are allies who want to achieve power, where they able to do anything to fulfill their goals. 

This is a brief summary of this series, which by the way is in nextflix. I recommend them to everyone.

Personally I like this series to be different from other series Ive seen, has a very interesting plot that captivates from the first chapter. I also consider that this series reflects on many accasions real life situations, such as corruption among political groups, where they often take advantage of the position of power they have for economic and political gains.

At the moment I am not seeing any series, but I expect to see “13 reasons why”, since many people have recommended it to me. Well, that´s it for today.

See you soon next week, thanks for reading my post! :)