viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

My favourite subject

Hi all !

Today, I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester, this is methodology of the investigation public administration. The teacher that do a class is Rolando Poblete, he is a Doctor on Atropología social y cultural at University Autonoma of Barcelona. 

This class consist mainly analyze the types of investigation, instrument of application for interviews and surveys, observation participative in group, where the homework’s are very entertaining and simple, since in classes view watching the videos or documentaries. 

One of the activities that we developed this semester with my group of research, it was the proyect of investigation at “ Active Adult Aging in Chile”, this paper was very interesting for me, because Nowadays are many older adults in Chile that don´t have any state support, thus this program of the SENAMA, it attempting to solve the different themes relate are health, social participation and social security. 

I like this class, because calls more my attention the topics and practical classwork. It is therefore I consider that is one of class most important in the career of public administration. 

I hope that do you like my post.

Bye, see you next week

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cami!!!
    How are u?. you post it is great. It´s very interesting your proyect of investigation, I hope to read it someday

  2. I think methodology of the investigation public administration is a interesting and useful subject.

  3. Hi Cami, How are you? I didn't know that you liked that subject! is amazing :D
