domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Themed post

Hello everyone!!

I hope they are well! Again, I'm on the blog, I'm going to tell you a crack that happened to me when I wrote the sixth message. The other day I was writing this post, I was very happy because I had finished it, however, I realized after posting on the blog that I had made a mistake on the subject I wrote, so I had to do it all over again. I was very embarrassed, sometimes I am very clumsy.

Today I will talk about a very important topic that I am interested in sharing with you. I have been very worried about how the world is lately.

Every time I watch the news on television, it gives me a feeling of anguish, as they show cases of robbery, bank fraud, child abuse, murder, corruption, terrorist attacks, among others. I feel that every time we go from bad to worse. People are no longer the same as before, they live in fear, they are subject to a system that does not give them security or protection.

Maybe I'm being very dramatic in this post, but is that nobody does anything. Politicians fill their pockets to earn money at the expense of people is fear, they do not think about the common good but about their own good. On the other hand, the media, all they do is generate misconceptions and misunderstandings in the population.

In this situation I wonder the following: what can we do? Who can we trust? How much evil will come in this world?

Perhaps each of you will have different answers to these questions. In my case, I don´t have a clear answer for all of them. Even if I don´t have a solution for all the problems that exist in the world, if I have something to contribute.

When I entered the university to study public administration, I did it with a clear purpose was to be able to help people. Make this society a better place, that has a better quality of life through public policies and social programs.I hope things improve over time, that this hostile world becomes a better place, where people can live fully. My thought may sound very unreal, but it is what I want with all my heart.

Bye, see you next week

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Post graduates studies

Hi everybody. 

I hope everybody is fine. Today I will talk about a very interesting topic that are post graduate studies. Before starting, I would like to make a brief introduction about postgraduate studies. 

The post graduate course is a course that takes place after finishing the university degree, with the aim of offering students a specialization towards certain topics that are of interest to them. 

In my case, I really want to do a graduate degree that has to do with Open Government, this topic I think is a very interesting subject to study, since it is a topic that deals with the way in which public organizations develop in an environment that It is constantly changing. Therefore, it must generate the necessary mechanisms to survive and offer a good service to people. 

Personally I would like to study at the same university in Chile, since my career in public administration presents graduate courses. However, I think it would also be a good option to study abroad, perhaps in Spain or in another country. My idea is to study a part-time course, although I'm still not sure, because there are many types of postgraduate courses that have different durations, what I mean is that some last 6 months and others last up to 8 months. Then that decision will depend on how the course is. 

It is in this way that I have been researching the postgraduate courses and I found some very interesting courses that I would like to share with you. The first is "Diversity and public policies", this course is taught at the University of Chile. This course deals with issues related to human rights, the different groups that make up society, such as immigrant groups, indigenous peoples and sexual diversity. 

On the other hand, I found a course on "Design, evaluation and management of projects of public interest", this course seems very interesting for those people who have a special interest in the development of skills and abilities around the integration of mechanisms within of the public sector. 

The requirements that are needed to study a post graduate degree are the following: First, a professional title of the university degree is due. Second you must pay the tuition of the postgraduate course. Finally, you must present certain documents that the university requests in the registration process.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.
Goodbye, see you next week!

My dream job

Hello everyone!

Today, I will talk about the work of my dreams. When I was young I dreamed that I wanted to be a movie actress. I have always liked to act, I feel it is a good way to express emotions and feelings through acting. I remember when I was a little girl I saw many Chilean telenovelas, Mexican, Venezuelan, among others. I always imitated the different characters in the TV series, it was a way of practicing my acting talents.

When I went to school, I participated in many plays and art shows, it was a super entertaining experience. I remember that my first theatrical performance was "the pergola of the flowers", the personage that interpreted was Laura Larraín (lady of the high society), was the antagonist of the history. I remember this job with great affection, since I worked hard to do a good job.

After that, my mother decided to register for an acting academy, I don´t remember the name. In that place, I participate in several works and musicals.

One of them was the Lion King musical, it was very entertaining, since we had to dance and sing in disguise of the characters of the film. In my case, I had to star in Nala. When I was told I had to be Nala, I did not really like the idea, since I wanted to be Timón, since I was my favorite character in the Lion King movie.

However, my dream of being an actress eventually became somewhat distant, because she began to have other hobbies and interests. There was a time when I wanted to be a history teacher, I think this interest was born of my teacher Gricela. She was my history teacher in high school, I admired her a lot. He considered that he was a very intelligent person and very close to his students. In spite of this, I realized that being a teacher was not my vocation, as I did not have certain skills to fill that position.

Now I do not have a definite dream in relation to my ideal job, now I am focused on being happy to do the things that I like and to make myself feel good. I am sure that my life will go well in all that I do, because I am a very perseverant person.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.

Goodbye, see you next week!

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Free Topic

Hello everyone

Today I´m going to talk about a super cool theme, which are the dorama. This year I have became fan of the doramas, I have seen about 10 doramas this year, a redord. For those who dont know what a dorama is a asian mini series are characterized by having varius themes, for example romance, comedy, fantasy, drama and other things. 

Lately they have became very famous the doramas in different parts of the world, one of the most iconic doramas is “Boys over flower”, If I remember correcthy this was my first drama when I was in school .If you havent seen this dorama. I invite you to see it, you wont regret. 

My favorite dorama in this moment is "Descendants of the sun "/Taeyangui Hooye, this drama I saw this year during the holidays of Winter. This dorama was released last year. It has 16 chapters and 3 chapters specials. The gender are drama, melodrama, romance and comedy. It has a bit of everythings. 

I will tell you briefly what this drama is about, the story is starring Dr. Kang Mo Yeon and Captain Yoo Shi Jin of the South Korean Army Special Forces. The doctor and the captain meet in the hospital after a misunderstanding. These eventually develop a friendship that will slow down with the work that has Yoo Shi Jinde. However, for the things of the destiny both reconcontrarará in the camp of Uruk, where both will be to the service of the security of the country. It is there, that develops a greater friendship, where both will live thousands of adventures.

I recommend this dorama.It is the best in the world!! 

This is all for today. 

Bye, see you next week

My best Holiday

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're well, I have not written for a long time on the blog, but do not worry this semester, I promise to write more on the blog. Today we will talk about "my best vacations". This topic is very fun to talk about, because one of the things I like the most is traveling to different places.

When I was 14, I travel for the first time to the north of Chile. On this trip I went with my father, cousins, aunt and my dog ​​Lucas. I do not remember exactly how long the trip lasted, but I think it was two weeks. We were in various parts, I remember we went to La Serena, Coquimbo, Caldera, Bahia Inglesa and  other places. We went nomads haha 

What I liked most about this trip was getting to know different cities and towns, I have beautiful photos of the desert and the beaches. One of the things I remember from this trip is that with my cousins ​​we spent most of the time on the beach, where we practiced surfing and diving. In the afternoons we went to the handicraft fairs and markets that were in the center of the city.

In the moment is one of the best trips I've had, because it was one of the first trips of my life. Also, I had a great time with my cousins ​​and my dog, we always played or did fun things, so I have very good memories. On the other hand, I loved the landscapes, the museums, the beaches and other things.

Another thing I remember from this trip is that I met a very peculiar fruit called Copao, this fruit is very similar to kiwi. It is very delicious, has an acid taste and at the same time sweet.

That is all for today.
Goodbye, I'll see you next week.