viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

My dream job

Hello everyone!

Today, I will talk about the work of my dreams. When I was young I dreamed that I wanted to be a movie actress. I have always liked to act, I feel it is a good way to express emotions and feelings through acting. I remember when I was a little girl I saw many Chilean telenovelas, Mexican, Venezuelan, among others. I always imitated the different characters in the TV series, it was a way of practicing my acting talents.

When I went to school, I participated in many plays and art shows, it was a super entertaining experience. I remember that my first theatrical performance was "the pergola of the flowers", the personage that interpreted was Laura Larraín (lady of the high society), was the antagonist of the history. I remember this job with great affection, since I worked hard to do a good job.

After that, my mother decided to register for an acting academy, I don´t remember the name. In that place, I participate in several works and musicals.

One of them was the Lion King musical, it was very entertaining, since we had to dance and sing in disguise of the characters of the film. In my case, I had to star in Nala. When I was told I had to be Nala, I did not really like the idea, since I wanted to be Timón, since I was my favorite character in the Lion King movie.

However, my dream of being an actress eventually became somewhat distant, because she began to have other hobbies and interests. There was a time when I wanted to be a history teacher, I think this interest was born of my teacher Gricela. She was my history teacher in high school, I admired her a lot. He considered that he was a very intelligent person and very close to his students. In spite of this, I realized that being a teacher was not my vocation, as I did not have certain skills to fill that position.

Now I do not have a definite dream in relation to my ideal job, now I am focused on being happy to do the things that I like and to make myself feel good. I am sure that my life will go well in all that I do, because I am a very perseverant person.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.

Goodbye, see you next week!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Camila. I am surprise because you wanted be actress, but I have to say that you have all the personality to do that.
    I imagined you in a Mexican tv soaps been "Camila Margarita de las Mercedes Rosario Maria" haha. Acting is very fun, but be a public administrator is soooooo different. I see you next week

  2. wooow, how interesting this blog Camila, I did not know that you had participated in so many plays, it's a bad thing that they did not give you the character of Timón in the play of the lion king, but hey, not everything can be so perfect, I think if you have qualities to be an actress, you should do it again XD.
    I really liked this blog, I hope you are well
    Bye 😊
