viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Post graduates studies

Hi everybody. 

I hope everybody is fine. Today I will talk about a very interesting topic that are post graduate studies. Before starting, I would like to make a brief introduction about postgraduate studies. 

The post graduate course is a course that takes place after finishing the university degree, with the aim of offering students a specialization towards certain topics that are of interest to them. 

In my case, I really want to do a graduate degree that has to do with Open Government, this topic I think is a very interesting subject to study, since it is a topic that deals with the way in which public organizations develop in an environment that It is constantly changing. Therefore, it must generate the necessary mechanisms to survive and offer a good service to people. 

Personally I would like to study at the same university in Chile, since my career in public administration presents graduate courses. However, I think it would also be a good option to study abroad, perhaps in Spain or in another country. My idea is to study a part-time course, although I'm still not sure, because there are many types of postgraduate courses that have different durations, what I mean is that some last 6 months and others last up to 8 months. Then that decision will depend on how the course is. 

It is in this way that I have been researching the postgraduate courses and I found some very interesting courses that I would like to share with you. The first is "Diversity and public policies", this course is taught at the University of Chile. This course deals with issues related to human rights, the different groups that make up society, such as immigrant groups, indigenous peoples and sexual diversity. 

On the other hand, I found a course on "Design, evaluation and management of projects of public interest", this course seems very interesting for those people who have a special interest in the development of skills and abilities around the integration of mechanisms within of the public sector. 

The requirements that are needed to study a post graduate degree are the following: First, a professional title of the university degree is due. Second you must pay the tuition of the postgraduate course. Finally, you must present certain documents that the university requests in the registration process.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.
Goodbye, see you next week!

6 comentarios:

  1. I like your choise about the open government!! I think that issues like this or the diversity on public politics are very current.. we have to adapt the public administration to the new times.

  2. Camii, How are you???
    I like not only your post, but also like the content, I think that your choice is very interesting. I like the open goverment too, for the same reason that like you. I really think that this type of studies are important because in the public administration is necessary understand the best mechanism to help the people.

    I hope read you the next week again, bye!!

  3. Hi Camila, I hope that you are ok. I have to say that all the postgraduate studies of INAP are interesting. I like too the course of "Diversity and public policies". I hope that you can study this course because are essentials for our professional future and for the help the people and the country.

  4. Hi Camila! very interesting subjetc you have choosen. I can see you made a lot of research!!! that's cool. In my case I want to end the current career before to think in post graduate-studies jajaja
    I hope you can do one of those Studies and keeping growing as a professional

    Have a nice afternoon!

  5. I find this post very good Camila, the information you deliver in relation to the postgraduate is very good and it is great that you have clear what specialty you want to study in the future. The postgraduate courses you mentioned are very interesting. And I would like to continue my studies outside the country and I also believe that Spain is one of my first options.
    I hope you're well, see you next class. 😊

  6. Hi Camila.
    I think that the topic about open government is very interesting. In a future I want to do postgraduate studies, and I want to keep a phrase that you puts in your post "it must generate the necessary mechanisms to survive and offer a good service to people".
