domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Free theme-Public Administration Affairs


How are you? I hope you are well. Sorry for not having written before on the blog, but I have had little time this week. The truth is that I'm not very inspired with this post, since the subject seems a bit boring, but I will do everything possible to write something.

Today I will talk about a very interesting topic about the career of public administration. One of the themes that has always struck me are public policies.

But, what are public policies really? Public policies are responses that the State gives to public problems that affect society. In this way, for the elaboration of public policies, several factors must be considered, be they political, social, economic, among others.

Another important point that should be taken into account in this issue are the different political and social actors involved in the creation and application of public policies that are decisive for the decisions that will be made in the future.

An example of public policy is immigration policy, in recent years this issue has been much discussed in Chile. More and more foreigners of different nationalities (Peruvians, Bolivians, Colombians, Haitians, etc.) are coming to our country with the aim of seeking better opportunities for life and work.

Faced with this situation, the State has created measures to receive these people in the best way, granting them benefits and guarantees. However, these measures have not been sufficient, as more and more people arrive in Chile, which makes it difficult for the state administration to help these groups.

From this example, we can demonstrate that public policies present growing challenges, since society changes constantly, where new problems always arise that increase the degree of complexity of the policies.

I hope you liked the subject. I'm sorry I published my publication so late.

Have an excellent week!

viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

Talking about your Blogging Experience


How are you? I hope they are well. Today I will talk about my blogging experience, in personally I had a good experience in this semester with the blogs, because I like so much writing about a different themes. 

I consider that the blogs is opportunity to learn news word and express opinion about topics that are relevant for talk with classmate of course English. I would like include in the future in the blogs is a news contents, where are interesting to all the class, for example talk about the favorite series, author of the book or things personal about us. Other suggestion I would like that the blogs hasn’t a limited of word.

One thing, I would like talk in my blog is about of future plans in my life, talk about of a book favorite or possibly tell someone anecdote of one moment specific of the life. This is ideas I like so much, because is a good form of know the opinions and experience of my classmates. 

In my opinion, the activities of the blogs has a relation direct with the career, because the English is a language very important today, this situation it should principal by the majority of people talk this idioms. So is relevant know writing and talk to could communicate and express opinions about different things. 

Bye, see you next week!

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenges

Hello Everyone!

How are you? I hope you are well. Today I will talk about a topic related to English. Personally, I have never liked this language, because I had a bad experience as a child. It has always been difficult for me to learn this language. When I went to high school, the only subject that had bad grades was in English, this caused me a lot of frustration, since I studied hard despite the tests.

But over time, I changed my mentality about this language, because I understand that it is necessary to be able to communicate and relate to other people who have another language.

My learning experience at the university is very good; the classes are dynamic with the contents. In addition, the activities are very interesting, because we talk about different topics related to the career, personal life, topics, day to day and other things.

I think the English program is very good, because it helps that the students practice the language through dynamic activities. This allows to reinforce certain areas such as the grammatical language and the vocabulary of English.

Nowadays it is very important to speak English, because most people use this language to communicate. In addition, in most of the works they request two languages ​​as a requirement (English and Spanish).

This semester compared to the other semester was different, since we were doing a video, where each one of us could show the knowledge in a different way, more dynamic and entertaining.

The aspect that I need to improve is the grammatical area, because I tend to confuse the verb tenses (past, present and future). I must practice this content more frequently.

Bye, see you next week

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Improving the learning experience

Hello everyone,

I hope you are well. Today I am going to talk about my experience with the English course. Personally, I don´t like English, but I understand that it is necessary to be able to communicate with other people who have another language. My experience in this year's English course has been relatively good. 

This semester has been different from the rest, since the English classes were more dynamic, where the teacher made us talk about different topics with our classmates. These kinds of activities helped me to have more security when I speak English. However, I must say that sometimes I felt uncomfortable and even pressed in class, as there were times I did not know what to say. So, I felt really bad about that.

The challenges for the next semesters in the English class. Perhaps, it would be to carry out more group activities or of course in which the students participate, being activities with a voluntary participation so that the environment is not so tense and uncomfortable. As for the blogs in the classes, it would be good to innovate in the topics, since there are times when they become a bit repetitive and fomes.

In general, the English classes have helped me to express myself better. Although I am not an expert in this language, but I am improving. I think the English course is very comprehensive, since it develops the skills in writing and verbal communication. I hope that the English classes with time will be better and better for the students of the University.

This is all for today

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Themed post

Hello everyone!!

I hope they are well! Again, I'm on the blog, I'm going to tell you a crack that happened to me when I wrote the sixth message. The other day I was writing this post, I was very happy because I had finished it, however, I realized after posting on the blog that I had made a mistake on the subject I wrote, so I had to do it all over again. I was very embarrassed, sometimes I am very clumsy.

Today I will talk about a very important topic that I am interested in sharing with you. I have been very worried about how the world is lately.

Every time I watch the news on television, it gives me a feeling of anguish, as they show cases of robbery, bank fraud, child abuse, murder, corruption, terrorist attacks, among others. I feel that every time we go from bad to worse. People are no longer the same as before, they live in fear, they are subject to a system that does not give them security or protection.

Maybe I'm being very dramatic in this post, but is that nobody does anything. Politicians fill their pockets to earn money at the expense of people is fear, they do not think about the common good but about their own good. On the other hand, the media, all they do is generate misconceptions and misunderstandings in the population.

In this situation I wonder the following: what can we do? Who can we trust? How much evil will come in this world?

Perhaps each of you will have different answers to these questions. In my case, I don´t have a clear answer for all of them. Even if I don´t have a solution for all the problems that exist in the world, if I have something to contribute.

When I entered the university to study public administration, I did it with a clear purpose was to be able to help people. Make this society a better place, that has a better quality of life through public policies and social programs.I hope things improve over time, that this hostile world becomes a better place, where people can live fully. My thought may sound very unreal, but it is what I want with all my heart.

Bye, see you next week

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Post graduates studies

Hi everybody. 

I hope everybody is fine. Today I will talk about a very interesting topic that are post graduate studies. Before starting, I would like to make a brief introduction about postgraduate studies. 

The post graduate course is a course that takes place after finishing the university degree, with the aim of offering students a specialization towards certain topics that are of interest to them. 

In my case, I really want to do a graduate degree that has to do with Open Government, this topic I think is a very interesting subject to study, since it is a topic that deals with the way in which public organizations develop in an environment that It is constantly changing. Therefore, it must generate the necessary mechanisms to survive and offer a good service to people. 

Personally I would like to study at the same university in Chile, since my career in public administration presents graduate courses. However, I think it would also be a good option to study abroad, perhaps in Spain or in another country. My idea is to study a part-time course, although I'm still not sure, because there are many types of postgraduate courses that have different durations, what I mean is that some last 6 months and others last up to 8 months. Then that decision will depend on how the course is. 

It is in this way that I have been researching the postgraduate courses and I found some very interesting courses that I would like to share with you. The first is "Diversity and public policies", this course is taught at the University of Chile. This course deals with issues related to human rights, the different groups that make up society, such as immigrant groups, indigenous peoples and sexual diversity. 

On the other hand, I found a course on "Design, evaluation and management of projects of public interest", this course seems very interesting for those people who have a special interest in the development of skills and abilities around the integration of mechanisms within of the public sector. 

The requirements that are needed to study a post graduate degree are the following: First, a professional title of the university degree is due. Second you must pay the tuition of the postgraduate course. Finally, you must present certain documents that the university requests in the registration process.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.
Goodbye, see you next week!

My dream job

Hello everyone!

Today, I will talk about the work of my dreams. When I was young I dreamed that I wanted to be a movie actress. I have always liked to act, I feel it is a good way to express emotions and feelings through acting. I remember when I was a little girl I saw many Chilean telenovelas, Mexican, Venezuelan, among others. I always imitated the different characters in the TV series, it was a way of practicing my acting talents.

When I went to school, I participated in many plays and art shows, it was a super entertaining experience. I remember that my first theatrical performance was "the pergola of the flowers", the personage that interpreted was Laura Larraín (lady of the high society), was the antagonist of the history. I remember this job with great affection, since I worked hard to do a good job.

After that, my mother decided to register for an acting academy, I don´t remember the name. In that place, I participate in several works and musicals.

One of them was the Lion King musical, it was very entertaining, since we had to dance and sing in disguise of the characters of the film. In my case, I had to star in Nala. When I was told I had to be Nala, I did not really like the idea, since I wanted to be Timón, since I was my favorite character in the Lion King movie.

However, my dream of being an actress eventually became somewhat distant, because she began to have other hobbies and interests. There was a time when I wanted to be a history teacher, I think this interest was born of my teacher Gricela. She was my history teacher in high school, I admired her a lot. He considered that he was a very intelligent person and very close to his students. In spite of this, I realized that being a teacher was not my vocation, as I did not have certain skills to fill that position.

Now I do not have a definite dream in relation to my ideal job, now I am focused on being happy to do the things that I like and to make myself feel good. I am sure that my life will go well in all that I do, because I am a very perseverant person.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you are well.

Goodbye, see you next week!

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Free Topic

Hello everyone

Today I´m going to talk about a super cool theme, which are the dorama. This year I have became fan of the doramas, I have seen about 10 doramas this year, a redord. For those who dont know what a dorama is a asian mini series are characterized by having varius themes, for example romance, comedy, fantasy, drama and other things. 

Lately they have became very famous the doramas in different parts of the world, one of the most iconic doramas is “Boys over flower”, If I remember correcthy this was my first drama when I was in school .If you havent seen this dorama. I invite you to see it, you wont regret. 

My favorite dorama in this moment is "Descendants of the sun "/Taeyangui Hooye, this drama I saw this year during the holidays of Winter. This dorama was released last year. It has 16 chapters and 3 chapters specials. The gender are drama, melodrama, romance and comedy. It has a bit of everythings. 

I will tell you briefly what this drama is about, the story is starring Dr. Kang Mo Yeon and Captain Yoo Shi Jin of the South Korean Army Special Forces. The doctor and the captain meet in the hospital after a misunderstanding. These eventually develop a friendship that will slow down with the work that has Yoo Shi Jinde. However, for the things of the destiny both reconcontrarará in the camp of Uruk, where both will be to the service of the security of the country. It is there, that develops a greater friendship, where both will live thousands of adventures.

I recommend this dorama.It is the best in the world!! 

This is all for today. 

Bye, see you next week

My best Holiday

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're well, I have not written for a long time on the blog, but do not worry this semester, I promise to write more on the blog. Today we will talk about "my best vacations". This topic is very fun to talk about, because one of the things I like the most is traveling to different places.

When I was 14, I travel for the first time to the north of Chile. On this trip I went with my father, cousins, aunt and my dog ​​Lucas. I do not remember exactly how long the trip lasted, but I think it was two weeks. We were in various parts, I remember we went to La Serena, Coquimbo, Caldera, Bahia Inglesa and  other places. We went nomads haha 

What I liked most about this trip was getting to know different cities and towns, I have beautiful photos of the desert and the beaches. One of the things I remember from this trip is that with my cousins ​​we spent most of the time on the beach, where we practiced surfing and diving. In the afternoons we went to the handicraft fairs and markets that were in the center of the city.

In the moment is one of the best trips I've had, because it was one of the first trips of my life. Also, I had a great time with my cousins ​​and my dog, we always played or did fun things, so I have very good memories. On the other hand, I loved the landscapes, the museums, the beaches and other things.

Another thing I remember from this trip is that I met a very peculiar fruit called Copao, this fruit is very similar to kiwi. It is very delicious, has an acid taste and at the same time sweet.

That is all for today.
Goodbye, I'll see you next week.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

A country I would like to visit

Hi all!!, I hope are fine. Today I will talking about the country I would like visit in the future. I have always wanted to travel Mexico, is located in center America. This country is very famous in the world for its culture, gastronomy and architecture. 

One of the things I call my attention is the food, most of the typical Mexican food has spicy, one of the popular food of mexico are the “Enchiladas” and the "Tacos". I would taste someday this food. In mexico “Tequila” is one of most famous gulp.

Mexico has many places tourist for visit, one of the more popular is pyramid of Chichen itza, this monument its considered as one of the seven wonders of the world, this place represents the culture of the ethnic group. 

Other place that I would like visit is a park aquatic Xcaret, this center of entertainment has rivers, pools and landscape very beautifuls. In this place you could be in contact with the animals’ aquatics as an example tor tortoise or dolphin. The only problem to go the Xcaret is the price and schedule, but is one good experience and opportunity for enjoying this place.

Also I would like visit the museum Frida Kahlo, many people have recommended going to this site. I don’t know the location exactly. In this museum has gallery of art, exhibition and other things. 

One day I thing travel to go Mexico for know and enjoy the wonderful of this country. This is a big dream for me, I hope accomplish quickly this dream. 

Bye. I see you next week

Thank very much for read my post, I hope your opinions

martes, 25 de julio de 2017

My experience with the blog

Hello again, this is my second post in the day.

Today is my last post in the semester. So I´m going to talk about my experience in general using blogs in the English class. The fisrt place, I must say that English has never been my favourite subject, bacause I find it very difficult to lear and speak this language. So at first I didn´t want to blog, but over time I realizaed that it was very entertainaing

This experience was a great challenge for me as I was able to learn new words (vocabulary), grammar and pronunciation. I think it was been a great help for me English classes, as it has allowed me to improve the way I write and speak. In turn, regain hope of being able to learn good English.

Now I feel more certain when I write in English, where I can better express my ideas. Although I feel I still have a lot to improve. 

The suggestions that could be made in the blog is that students can freely choose their topics.

Personally I think is would be interesting to write about projects that every student has in the future (dreams), interesting stories, talk about styles (fashion), food, travel, art and othes things. 

I hope that you like this post. Thanks for Reading 

Bye, see you next semester!

My experience with the books

Hello everyone!

How are you? I have been fine. Today, I will talk about my experience with the books. I remember learning to read the 5 years in the school. I Originally I didn´t liked reading, because I found it boring, but over time I realized I was wrong. 

The fisrt book I read was “Papelucho”, the author is Marcela Paz. I really like this book, because it tells the story of a child, called Papelucho. This boy is very naughty and funny, he always has adventures with his Friends and family. After this book I Read all collection of Papelucho, I think there are 12 books in total. It is a book that is for all ages, it is very entertaining.

As for my favorite book is “History of two cities”, the author is Charles Dickens. I Read this book at school for a literatura class. The story happens in two cities; Londres and Paris during the period of the French revolution. This novels is very interesting, because it has a mix of thems related to love, lies, wars, conflicts, power and other things. Where represent the society of those years. This time I will not tell the story so you can read it.

I have many favourite authors, but there is one I always recomend, she is Kate Morton, has writeen several books, one of the most famous is “El Jardín Olvidado”. 

Currently I´m not reading book, bacause I don´t have time to read. Nowever, when I finished classes at the university, I will read all the books that I have pending. 

I hope that you like this post. If you have any question about the books, do not hesitate to ask me 

Bye, see you next week!

viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

My favourite subject

Hi all !

Today, I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester, this is methodology of the investigation public administration. The teacher that do a class is Rolando Poblete, he is a Doctor on Atropología social y cultural at University Autonoma of Barcelona. 

This class consist mainly analyze the types of investigation, instrument of application for interviews and surveys, observation participative in group, where the homework’s are very entertaining and simple, since in classes view watching the videos or documentaries. 

One of the activities that we developed this semester with my group of research, it was the proyect of investigation at “ Active Adult Aging in Chile”, this paper was very interesting for me, because Nowadays are many older adults in Chile that don´t have any state support, thus this program of the SENAMA, it attempting to solve the different themes relate are health, social participation and social security. 

I like this class, because calls more my attention the topics and practical classwork. It is therefore I consider that is one of class most important in the career of public administration. 

I hope that do you like my post.

Bye, see you next week

viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

My favorite Website

Hi everyone!

I hope you are well, today I going to talk about one of the websites that I use the most, this is"u-cursos", this page is from the university of Chile. The principal characteristic of this website is that it is special for studentsfrom different faculties of the university.

This page has material to study for the career, also we can see the ratings, attendance of each subject, you can consult withchat teachers and classmates to solve doubts about a particular subject. Moreover, it has a blog, calendar, information channels, user data, dropbox and other things.

In this website, I have an account, where see my subject of semester. The subjects that I have are: phenomena politics, statistics, and dynamics of administration, methodology, and English. I use this page every day, because I see the notes and schedule.

I like this website, because I can use it to study for the different tests and homework of the career. Onother important point is that I can inform about the different activities, events and talks that are taught within the university.

The link of this page is:

I hope that do you like my post.

See you next week, bye!

viernes, 7 de julio de 2017

My favorite serie

Hello everyone 

I hope you are well, today I will talk about my favorite series, this is “House of cards”. I started watching the serie last year for a class of the university. "House of cards" is an American serie, The history is very interesting and intriguing. It’s about the power of politics, alliances between political parties and of opposition. where the ambition, selfishness and lies are the principal characteristic of the character. 

The main character is Frank Underwood, an anti-hero. He is member of the party Democratic Party, where he is a representative of the 5th congressional District of South Carolina. He is married to Claire Underwood, who is a business woman in which he is the leader of a Company. Frank and Claire are allies who want to achieve power, where they able to do anything to fulfill their goals. 

This is a brief summary of this series, which by the way is in nextflix. I recommend them to everyone.

Personally I like this series to be different from other series Ive seen, has a very interesting plot that captivates from the first chapter. I also consider that this series reflects on many accasions real life situations, such as corruption among political groups, where they often take advantage of the position of power they have for economic and political gains.

At the moment I am not seeing any series, but I expect to see “13 reasons why”, since many people have recommended it to me. Well, that´s it for today.

See you soon next week, thanks for reading my post! :)

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

My favorite photograph

Hello everybody, I hope you are well. Today, I will talk about my favorite photograph. I have two photograph favorite. The first picture, I don´t remember exactly the day that this picture was taken, but the person who took this photo is my grandmother Gloria, better known as “Yoyi”. In this picture I was 10 years old approximately.

The history of this photograph is that we were one day in his house and my grandmother bought a new camera, she wanted to try how the camera took pictures so that I volunteered as model to take the picture.

I like this photograph, because represents one moment very happy in my life when lived with my grandmother, where did crazy things both. Also my face is very funny and tender. It reminds me of my childhood.

The second photograph is about my dog Lucas. It´s 7 years old. I taken this picture with my camera in this year. These photos don’t have any history. I love this picture, because my dog looks at the camera. In this photo it look very tender 

I hope you liked my favorite photograph, I see the next week. Bye!

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

My Music

Hi all

Today, I will talk about my favorite music . In my life I listen to music of all kind, Always listen to music on the radio our my computer, I relax me.

When I was 10 years old, I listened only “high school musical”. High school musical is a Disney movie , where the characters singing and dancing. I was fan number one, I had the films, CD, t-shirts and other things. I was sing and dance all the songs. One day, I went to a concert of high school musical, It was the best day of my life.

Currently, I don´t like any band in particular, but I like the songs of SIA, Mac Demarco, Mike Posner and other artists. Other things I forgot is I like listen youtuber singing covers, my favorite is Bely Basarte. She has a beautiful voice and sing songs very popular of other artists.

It is all, I see the next week. Bye!!

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

My favorite piece of technology

Hi everybody, I will talk about my favorite piece of technology, this is cellphone. The first time that I 
had a cellphone I was 10 years old. Still remember when my mother gave me a cellphone, I was so happy. In my life I had 4 cellphones of different marcs and models.

I use always my cellphone, I never separate from it. Regrettably I depend so much on this. I use it for different things as studying, playing and communicate with my parents and friends.

I like to use my cellphone, because it has many application and social networks. For example games, You tube, Facebook, Instagram and other similar things. Also, I can use the camera to take pictures and record a video.

What life would be like without it? My life would be chaos, because I would stay uncommunicated and would have disorder in my life.

Bye, see you next week!

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Hello everyone!

I hope you are well. Today I’ll talk about a little of me. When I was child I dreamed that I was an actress, because I like to act. Since I was little, I acted in the theater of the school.

The other career I would study psychology, because is very interesting analyze the human behavior and understand how the human minds work.

currently I study Public administration, I’m very happy in this career. It’s the best option in the world. I have learned many things during this time and I met many nice persons.

Finally, I would like to work in the future in government or municipality . Nevertheless, I'm not worried about it right now. I prefer enjoy the moment.

see you next week :)

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

My Autobiography

Hi everyone!

Today I´m going to talk about my life. I´m Chilean. I was born on 17th october of 1997. I lived always in Santiago.

I studied in college Francisco Arriarán, I stayed 13 years . I remember it very affection, because I had the best moment in the high school, I knew and shared with a lot of people and find a my bests friends ( viki and javi).

My parents are Exequiel and Paula.  I have one brother is called Joaquin. He is 10 years old. He is very messy and funny. We have similar hobbies, example ride bicycle or play video games. Also, I have one dog is a dachshund, better known as “salchicha”. It´s called Lucas Enrique. It´s 7 years old, my dog is very cute and playful.

I love travel to the different parts of country, because I like to know the culture, the food and architecture. Other hobby is reading, I read everything, but I prefer read romantics novels and adventure. My favorite book is history of two cities, the author is Charles Dickens. I recommend it.

Well, It’s all for today.

See you the next week!!

viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017


Hello, my name is Camila Guzmán Palomares. I’m studing public administration at university of Chile, Its my second year of the career.I chose this career because I like politics and social thems. I m interested in the politics publics and organizations of the state. I like to much this career , because it has a wide variety of contents.

The other career I would study psychology, because is very interesting analyze the human behavior and understand as work the human minds. 

Another thing that I like about the School of gobernement and public management is the libray, because this space is very comfortable to read and study. On the other hand, I dislike that the faculty is very small space and rooms have pillars. 

Finally, I´m very happy studying in this university and knowing new people, I hope to keep continuis learning.

see you next week :)